About who needs care: She uses a rollator/walker, and recently broke her ankle (has a brace but can walk). Shes on seizure medication, she is a diabetic- with high blood pressure, high cholesterol. She has D. I. D., which is multiple personality disorder, so she may carry a stuffed animal. She does have my son with her, but he doesn't have a drivers license currently, or a car. Any other questions about her, her routine, etc, he can answer. My sons name is Jack. About the care needs: Someone with patience, because my mother is slow at walking, & she does get confused sometimes. Someone who might be willing to stop for her at the pharmacy store after her appointment (if there is time left in the schedule). Someone that has a great bedside manner, treats my mom with the care they would want their own loved one treated. Someone who's been around dementia patients or experienced with mental illness patients, etc. Services needed include: transportation.
Transportation Required