About who needs care: Dizziness, shortness of breath and weakness. So far no exact diagnosis of the cause. Maybe a stroke or Covid with no symptoms. I play games on my phone & iPad and dog sit my sons pets. Just getting out of bed & making it to the kitchen is a great day. I have chairs placed so I can make it from one place to the next with breaks. I do have some good days where I can get out & drive but it has been a couple of months. I need IV fluids but that means I need to get to a hospital or infusion place and presently have commute as an option. I live in Milton and my doctors are all in Pensacola. Using commute runs about $100 each trip & I have numerous doctors and appt. About the care needs: Humorous, good natured Getting me to and from a vehicle and into a doctors office. At this time standing is something that I can not do for more than a few minutes so I rely on wheelchairs at the places I go. My brain is a little messed up right because I have fallen a few times and had some brain bleeds and maybe a little more damage. I sometimes lose my words and can't communicate exactly what I need to say. Just being able to deal with me and my brain is all I ask. Not as bad as I made it sound. Services needed include: transportation.
Transportation Required