Mother needs regular escort to dialysis appointments in the evenings T/Th/Sa. Vehicle will be provided (it is easy for my mother to get into). Transportation is to south San Carlos (about ~20 minutes away). Appointment will last around 3 hours, during which caregiver will *not be on-call* but will be paid. On return to Palo Alto, caregiver should stay at house to ensure mother is safely in bed and house is locked-up. Total time should be approximately 4. 5 hours, but will engage for 5 to provide margin of safety. Vehicle not to be used for commercial activities, but can be used for personal matters. Consistent, on time availability and patient care for my mother is a must. However, can manage off days with sufficient notice. Plus would be care for her (very sweet) companion dog during the intervening 3hrs, but not required.
Mobility Assistance
Comfortable With Pets