About who needs care: Congestive heart failure, 70% incontinent, extreme difficulty walking due to old fracture in lower vertebrae, falls often. He loves watching westerns and enjoys telling stories about his life, including WWII. His day is not very structured. He spends a lot of time in bed sleeping, lots of time in the bathroom, and a little time eating, socializing, and watching tv. He needs some PT to increase his mobility. About the care needs: Somebody with a lot of patience and kindness who doesn't feel the need to rush would be a good fit. They need to be able to help him up without injuring him when he falls in the bathroom. He needs help getting clean in the bathroom and needs help shaving. Elder care needs to be their vocation, a true calling in life, not a means to a paycheck. Services needed include: feeding, bathing / dressing, and mobility assistance.
Mobility Assistance
Bathing / Dressing