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Looking For A Pet Sitter For 1 Dog In Seattle

Seattle, WA


Hourly rate

Part time

Job type

Starts December 15

About the job

My dog has dementia. He struggles with a lot of anxiety. He has terrible separation anxiety, so someone would need to come and get to know him before I

My dog has dementia. He struggles with a lot of anxiety. He has terrible separation anxiety, so someone would need to come and get to know him before I could leave him with them, and the separation will still be difficult, but he will calm down after I leave. I need to go get a medical treatment twice a week for 2-4 hours and I am looking for someone that can come stay with him during those chunks of time. I am also interested in finding someone who can come stay overnight with him occasionally. He sundowns at night and really struggles and needs a lot of care throughout most nights, and I'm hoping that I can occasionally take a night off to get some sleep.

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Who you'll care for

1 Pet: 1 dog

Job schedule


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