Frisco family needs a part-time pet sitter for 1 young cavalier King Charles spaniel puppy. Must have experience raising puppies. We have an a 11-week-old puppy who isn't fully vaccinated so he needs 2 visits per day to be let out to potty and to be fed a lunch. We will feed him breakfast and dinner. He will also need some play time and enrichment. We have a puppy one setup a with a crate to keep him safe during the day. Days will vary annd will be needed when both of us have to be in the office or travel for work. Our ideal match will meet the requirements below. Please be active - playing and exercising are important. You should be comfortable picking up waste/scooping litter box/etc. someone with experience in positive reinforcement training is a big plus so we can encourage good behaviors.
1 Pet: 1 dog
Play & Exercise
Waste Cleanup
Has Own Transportation