I walked my little man before I go to work, I wanna come home from work and before we go to bed, I have been coming home on my lunch hours to walk him, but its becoming more difficult with my job. He's a sweet little rescue chiweenie, and he loves to snuggle and cuddle and sit in your lap however, when we go on walks, he could be a little more aggressive if he feels threatened in anyway, or if someone pops out and surprises him. He's also not very fond of other dogs, but I can control him by saying no, and just pulling him away from the aggravation situation. He loves to explore. He'd be happy being outside most of the day when the weather is gorgeous, but unfortunately, I don't have that ability to provide on that so I try and walk him as often as I can. He's little, so he can go about five hours maybe 5 1/2 in between potty breaks.
1 Pet: 1 dog