Olive is a 45 lb Staffordshire terrier. She is very hyper so you have to be careful when you walk her. Especially if there are other dogs in the vicinity, she is also really excited when she sees squirrels so she will lunge and pull. Just please be aware. Sometimes she gets the zoomies outside this can be scary because we live right off of a busy road. I normally shorten the lease, take her by the collar and make her lie down. It may take a couple trys before she actually calms down. She does understand commands like sit, lay down ( if you point firmly at the ground). She gets fed Twice a day once in the morning once in the evening. Her food is in the blue top bin beside the door, and she gets one cup of food per meal. The cup is also in the bin. She May bark loud when you first arrive because she is scared.
3 Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats