Weve got a senior dog, Brenna, who is almost 12. She is very easy to care for and low energy but she is dog reactive. She also gets frustrated by our youngest cat so we separate them when they eat and when we leave the house. She also has some separation anxiety but it doesnt lead to destructive or unwanted behaviors. Next weve got our 9-year-old black cat, Isabeau. She is an ANGEL, a cat that listens to the word, no, actually! She is very skittish around new people, you might never see her depending on how she reads you. When shes brave she is affectionate, sweet, and very funny. Lastly weve got 6-year-old Butter. A foster kitten fail, he is extremely social and thrives off human interaction. He is a sour patch kid. Very sweet then sour. Hes not mean, just struggles with naughtiness and has pica so requires some vigilance.
3 Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats