Hunter is our 14-year-old mini-Australian Shepherd that is a huge snuggle muffin when he gets to know you, but he suffers from cat, squirrel, leash, and fence aggression, so other animals are tricky. We have some specific tools we use that are effective when he gets too mentally afield. He also has a large kennel where he can spend some time. Dolly (our puddy-toes) is about 3 years old and has her own room upstairs with an auto-feeder and waterer. She is very independent but does enjoy attention. She is indoor/outdoor, although mostly indoor at night. There is a bit of a dance to get her in/out with Hunter around, but they know the drill. Hunter has begun to struggle mood-wise when we are gone for overnights, which is why we are switching from stop-ins to overnight carers. Our house is about 20 minutes from town and in a quiet area.
2 Pets: 1 dog, 1 cat