I have a rescued spayed male standard poodle. Maverick is 2 years old. He is on medication for anxiety due to his previous living situation. When I rescued my boy he was extremely under weight and abused. He has come a long way! He does allow me to shave him until I get to his feet and attempt to clip his nails. Thats when he gets scared and jumps. He barks at the vet tech (not like my gentle giant) even with mild sedatives. He wouldn't hold still for Petsmart and they asked me bot to bring him back. Even since Petsmart he wont let even attempt to let me shave his feet. They were all shaking their heads and telling me how bad he was. I dont want to sedate him every time I need his nails cut at the vet. They said they wont groom his feet. Please help!!
1 Pet: 1 dog