family needs a sitter for 4 horses, 1 dog while we travel in Europe for two weeks. Ideal candidate is willing to live on site, or lives close enough for twice daily feedings to be reasonable. Our horses live out, so chores include feeding grain, tossing a little hay, checking troughs, and of course keeping an eye open for sickness or lameness and dealing with any emergencies that might crop up. The vast majority of the time the chores can be accomplished in 30 min morning and evening, so people with another job or students could certainly work it into their schedules. Additional duties might include bringing in the mail, watering one house plant. Our horses are well behaved. Our dog is a sweety who loves everyone and is good company. On site includes guest room, private bath and use of the house.
5 Pets: 4 horses, 1 dog
Play & Exercise
Waste Cleanup