I have 3 cats the youngest of them the 1-year-old (Luna Ember) is always bagging for attention, the other two are low maintenance and allowed outside during the daytime but neither are fond of a cold day. It is import to know that our gray tabby (Echo is 4) will eat all the food so during feeding time, she will steal the orange tabbys (Oliver/Ollie is about 1) food and he wont eat. The dog (Asher is 4) is well mannered and will anything for a treat but will get in the trash when left alone he has abandonment issues and is kept in a bedroom when hes humans arent home. Lastly we have a chinchilla (Atlas is about 2) will need fed and watered and new dust at least once a week. We also have 4 fish tanks that will need food every couple days.
5 Pets: 1 dog, 3 cats, 1 other pet