Hello, My name is Scotti. I have a cat, he is my best friend. I love him so much. But now that my music career is blowing up I am gonna be all over the country on tour and bouncing around for a while. I cant take him with me. Nor do I have a friend/family that will take him. It will break my heart if I have to re home him or even worse leave him at a shelter in a cage. The thought of it destroys me. I bought him at a very odd time of my life, I was with my ex girlfriend and when we were dating she told me she would take care of him if I had to bounce around. We ended up breaking up. Then I was stuck with this cat. He turned into my bestfriend and helped me during so many hard times. Im stuck. Can you give me advice on what to do? He the easiest most loving animal you could ever think of.
1 Pet: 1 cat