Izzy is a 4-year-old red Standard Poodle. She is a sweetheart, but has been through a lot. She lost her father at the tail end of the COVID pandemic. In the flood of 23 she was whisked away from her home, never to return. Her father had dementia, so the last year of his life there was a lot of stress in her home. We are still displaced and she only has about a 15 foot chain for going to the bathroom with. Izzy is all the family I have. Last night I scared her while she was sleeping, so we could go to bed. I grabbed her collar and she bit me. I have six puncture holes. Evidently this is not the first time she has bit someone. A family I know was watching her while I was in Toronto. The man that she was deathly afraid of tried to show dominance and took her to the ground. She bit him with 3 puncture holes.
1 Pet: 1 dog