Hello. We have three dogs - a golden mix, a boxer mix (both around 45 lbs) and a 25 lb "Heinz 57" mix. They do not need to be walked - just let out midday on M/T/Th, excluding holidays. Arrival time anywhere from 11:00 a.m. to about noon would work. They stay within our yard (electric fence), but have Whistle trackers as a backup - though we can't imagine it ever being needed. We just need someone to come and let them out, maybe play with them a little when they come back inside, then let them out again quickly before leaving. (They'll come running when you yell "Inside!" - though the little guy usually comes back right away after doing his business.) The need is long-term, with a start date expected to be between March 31 and April 7. Looking for a 30-45 minute visit - whichever works best for you.
3 Pets: 3 dogs