I have tried clipping her nails myself, she freaks out trying to get away from me.. I have tried showing her the clippers and let her know thats what they are for. I bought steptic powder because she has black nails. I only tried getting her use to the clippers so I only tried clipping the tips, for whatever reason she is more than fearful. She could have nipped or bit me as she did go to my hand with her mouth twice but just to nudge me away she never bit me or nipped even though she could have. I would suggest a groomer to muzzles her because Im not sure how she will respond to others trying to clip her nail. I cant let her on my furniture because her nails have cause a tear in my leather couch. I need help with someone who will use a muzzle and handle her with gentle kindness as she is so scared.
1 Pet: 1 dog