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Walker Needed For 2 Dogs In Port Saint Joe

Port Saint Joe, FL


Hourly rate

Part time

Job type

Starts December 20

About the job

I have two precious dogs, both rescues. Rush is a 135-lb Sheppard/Lab mix. We have had Rush since he was 6 weeks old; he will be 4 in January. Bella is our

I have two precious dogs, both rescues. Rush is a 135-lb Sheppard/Lab mix. We have had Rush since he was 6 weeks old; he will be 4 in January. Bella is our other beauty. She is a bulldog mix weighing about 75 lbs. We adopted Bella last year. Bella came to us after being in the shelter for almost a year. She was a stray in Wewa and looks and acts like she was abused at some point. She has come a long way in a year. Bella is very loving but doesn't always like men.

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Who you'll care for

2 Pets: 2 dogs

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