We need a walker to play (she loves to fetch) and walk (or run) with a 60lb, 1 year shepherd mix dog. She is still learning to walk well on a leash, but she is very friendly and loves to play and get out. She is great with other dogs and I am fine if she is walked with another dog or plays with another dog. The ideal person would be able to come at some time during the day, for an hour, 2 to 3 times a week, while I am at work (from 5:30 a.m. to 7pm). Otherwise, it is a long time for her to be alone. Also, to pick up the poop in the backyard, otherwise she will eat it (I know, gross). The days will vary each week depending on my work schedule, but it will always be Monday-Thursday.
1 Pet: 1 dog
Play & Exercise
Waste Cleanup