I will be gone for 4 days and will make sure everything is easy accessible. I do prefer some kind of rabbit care experience. I would like it to be known that my dog, Bella, is still a puppy, 1-year-old and we are still working on some things training wise. She understands outside is potty but we will have accidents when no one is home, she knows her commands well and is very friendly. We are working on not pulling on the leash and to stop jumping on people. I do not expect any training from the caregiver, I would just like it to be known to them. Rabbit- 1/4 cup rabbit food (pellets) in the morning, pre-made salad at night, add hay and bedding to litter box everyday. Dog - needs walking twice a day, make sure food and water is filled. Cat - make sure food and water is filled ( I will do litter box when I return).
3 Pets: 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 other pet