I have an older cat Zeus (11 years) and a juvenile bearded dragon Irwin (6 mos- 1 year) who would just need someone to feed and check in on them while I take a weekend vacation. My friend who normally checks in had a last minute change of plans so I am trying to find a quick replacement! I will have live food prepped for the lizard and the cat food out where it will be easier to locate. Zeus is very sweet but also very anxious and likely to not make much contact, if you want to get a better look at him or pet him it take a great amount of slow moving and maybe offering him a treat. My beardie is a rescue and in a smaller temporary enclosure while I prepare a space for his future abode, but because of this previous circumstances isn't very handy. He will, however, jump up to greet you once he sees you with food. Be not alarmed.
2 Pets: 1 cat, 1 other pet