Chico & Coco are small cuddle dogs. Coco love playing with toys. If you play catch with her she will throw the ball back to you. They wrestle each other a lot and play tugawar. Chico loves to sit at the top of the couch to look out of the window. Guinness is a rescue mix breed dog with a little arthritis, but very capable and super loving. He has anxiety so he may be a little standoff at first and shake, but he will warm up easily. He love other animals. Lastly we have a rabbit named Boba and he love to play with the dogs. Hes not a typical rabbit. Boba will play wrestle with all of the dogs. He will steal their water and play tag. He doesnt chew cords and things and he loves to be free, but hes also ok to be in the cage. He has a diaper for his house roaming.
4 Pets: 3 dogs, 1 other pet