I have a German Shepard (Intact Male), Boston Terrier (Intact Male), Long-Hair Domestic Cat (Neutered), and a Ferret (Neutered/Deglanded). They don't have any special needs besides basic care. I just need to board them for a month or two, while I move and am temporarily living with my in-laws, who are allergic. All I'm looking for at the moment is a estimate on about how much it will cost so I can make arrangements. We typically feed the dogs at night about 2 hours before bed, and let them use the bathroom about 15 mins before bed. The cat and ferret we keep food/water filled and top off when needed (about every 2-3 days). The cat's litter box and ferret's cage get cleaned about once a week unless it's needed before then.
4 Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 other pet