I would like to pay by the day. Georgette V is a 9-year-old, 7lb Maltichon. She is very calm, has regular habits and only barks if the doorbell rings. She is a cuddle dog and now very attached to me. Before I adopted her she lived with an older woman who gave her up to go into long-term care. As a result, she has no experience being with other dogs. She is not afraid of them, just indifferent as long as they allow that. She is not good with other dogs who try to have her play. She seems fine with other dogs who are also calm. She needs a situation where the caregiver can give her attention (periodic cuddles, allowing her to sit beside etc.) She only eats dry kibble with a treat on top like dry liver, egg, etc. She is fed at about 5 every day with the treat and otherwise she eats periodically throughout the day.
1 Pet: 1 dog