I have a small Shih Tzu he will be a year and 3 to 4 months old be very active he love people he brown and white and I called and Gilmore like the character that come on TV he is trying to go out the cage to use the bathroom I also have a English bulldog he don't care for cages too well that's when he do his barking but other than that he'd love to come out the cage but I hardly let him come out too much he didn't got old so he really needs to be really walked to use the bathroom and back to where he goes to be put up at after he's fed and go to the bathroom I only feed him once a day and I get him water he goes out in the morning time when I feed him and he go out again in the evening time he don't use the bathroom unless something wrong with his stomach he very much trying
2 Pets: 2 dogs