The house appears larger than it is, and there is no vacuuming upstairs. I have hardwood floors, and I must see them bright and shiny. My bathrooms are essential to me. I like the front porch and back patio swept off, but that will not be a problem after the leaves fall. I insist on honesty. There have been problems in that area with workers believing something is there's and it is not. From time to time I am not home. I must trust that my things not be removed from the home, I have house cleaners now and they do an excellent job. I just can't afford them. They have only worked for me for two months. I like them but I can't afford them
Home Size: 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms
Frequency: Every other week
Services Needed: Bathroom Cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning, General Room Cleaning
Provides Equipment
Provides Supplies