Family of 4 looking for part time housekeeper 2-3 days a week to do cleaning, dishes, grocery shopping, meal prep, let dogs out, occasional errands, etc. We have 3 dogs, one of which is a puppy. They are extremely friendly but are high energy and need a lot of exercise. Need help with organization in the home as well. Days and hours are flexible. 1. Dishes 2. Laundry 3. Basic cleaning of home 4. Picking up and organizing as needed 5. Walking dogs 6. Grocery Shopping/Meal prep 7. General tasks/errands (Pharmacy, dry cleaning pickup, etc)
Home Size: 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms
Frequency: Every week
Services Needed: Bathroom Cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning, General Room Cleaning, Changing bed linens, Window Washing, Laundry, Organization (beyond standard tidying), Dusting