Housekeeping Job in Hooper, UT 84315 - Looking For A Dependable House Cleaner For Family Living In Hooper. -

Looking For A Dependable House Cleaner For Family Living In Hooper.

Hooper, UT

<$10 - 20/hr Part time

Starts June 22

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

Hello! We are looking for someone to come weekly to clean our house. We have 6 bedrooms and 3 bathroom. We would really only need cleaning weekly on 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and then 1x a month or so on everything. We have a 7-month-old, and my time is devoted to her and working. I might need some help with her here (only if you have experience with children) and there but this would be mostly housekeeping. Would LOVE if we found someone that could also help with meal prepping and cooking. May also need help with odd jobs here and there around the house. *Note: female only please. I breastfeed/pump and need someone that is comfortable being around this. Look forward to speaking with you!

Additional details

Job details
Home Size: 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Frequency: Every week
Services Needed:  Bathroom Cleaning,  Kitchen Cleaning,  General Room Cleaning,  Laundry,  Organization (beyond standard tidying),  Vacuuming and/or mopping,  Dusting

Housekeeper preferences

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am