Looking For A Dependable House Cleaner For Family Living In Jermyn.

Jermyn, PA

$16 - 26/hr Part time

Starts June 29

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

The place is completely empty we are moving in this weekend it extremely small I am 5'4 and I can touch the ceilings. It's a tiny kitchen with 2 small bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom. I need the walls wiped down and the cabinets and drawers wiped down and out. That's all I need I can vacuum and sweep and mop. They used to smoke in the house so I really just need the nicotine wiped out off the walls. I will tip very big if you can do it today 6/28....

Additional details

Job details
Home Size: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
Frequency: Every month
Services Needed:  Bathroom Cleaning,  Kitchen Cleaning,  General Room Cleaning

Housekeeper preferences

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am