We are looking for a part time Executive Assistant/Care Taker for the CEO of Candid Network to help with business tasks and assist with his home…
We are looking for a part time Executive Assistant/Care Taker for the CEO of Candid Network to help with business tasks and assist with his home needs.
This is part-time job requiring 3-4 hours a day with consistent pay of $1200 - $2500 a month. Tasks will be that of booking appointments, buying business equipment, returns, getting groceries, and normal house cleaning. It's a two bedroom home, so cleaning will not be incredibly time consuming.
We are willing to give you whatever title you wish and are willing to write recommendation letters to better help your career. You can decide your legal work status, and how you wish to be paid. In a sense we are incredibly flexible with this opportunity, but just ask that you are super organized, reliable, and willing to help out Emil and the firm consistently.
If you are interested, please contact with your resume, and write a brief paragraph about why you want this role and the monthly salary you want and why you would be qualified/justified for that rate. Please also let me know what times you are free for a meeting.