Searching for a great house cleaner. Deep cleaning one time then twice a month regular cleaning after that. My dog is a small hypoallergenic non shedding dog. There are two adults that live here and I keep up with daily cleaning. I keep things put away, picking up behind anyone. Never a dog mess. I do ask that a good dusting is done each time, like removing items from furniture, dusting items before returning them to the cleaned area. There will be no dirty kitchen. It will need dusting and surfacing cleaning. I have hardwood except for the baths and kitchen & they are tile. I do want under the beds cleaned under & under the couch & my husbands chair. This is not lifting its pushing. We tend to eat in the living room instead of the table. I have white woodwork that will need cleaned.
Home Size: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Frequency: Every other week
Services Needed: Deep cleaning
Comfortable With Pets