Hablo espanol y ingles tambien. General cleaning, hourly rate because I don't know what we are going to get into and want to make sure you're paid well! It's a home that has recently been purged, and so there's general dash, floors, windows, bathroom that need cleaning after all the stuff has been removed. Nothing, as far as I can see, that is too filthy. The kitchen, for example, has no furtinutere in it. It's just an open room now. I'm getting it cleaned to be able to move into. That said, I don't have any cleaning chemicals in the house yet. There's hot water, and a broom, and map, and if I need to go out and get more stuff, I will. But I'll gladly pay you to bring it... and definitely a vacuum! Don't have one yet. Thank you for considering!
Home Size: 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
Frequency: One time only
Services Needed: Bathroom Cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning, General Room Cleaning, Refrigerator Cleaning, Window Washing, Carpet Cleaning, Organization (beyond standard tidying)
Provides Equipment
Provides Supplies