Housekeeping Job in Colorado Springs, CO 80904 - Looking For Household Help - Cleaning/home Organization/light Yardwork -

Looking For Household Help - Cleaning/home Organization/light Yardwork

Colorado Springs, CO

$20 - 25/hr Part time

Starts June 14

Transportation Not Required
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About the job

Hi there! We're a household of working professionals looking for a housekeeper that can help with the following tasks: Bathroom cleaning Kitchen cleaning Vacuuming and dusting in bedrooms and common spaces Bed linen changes Occasional Laundry Occasional weeding in the garden Occasional help with home organization and meal prep We'd love to have someone come in for 4 hours a week, every other week. The schedule is flexible (happy to work with your schedule). Pay starts at $20/hr with a pay bump to $25/hr after 6 months.

Additional details

Job details
Home Size: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Frequency: Every other week
Services Needed:  Bathroom Cleaning,  Kitchen Cleaning,  General Room Cleaning,  Changing bed linens,  Laundry,  Vacuuming and/or mopping,  Dusting

Housekeeper preferences

Comfortable with pets

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am