Looking for a part time weekday/daytime caregiver open to flexible days of the week and hours, but generally 15-20 hours per week on a regular basis with additional hours occasionally when one parent is traveling for work. Both parents work from home. Caregiver would assist parents with infant care tasks such as feeding, diapering, reading, age appropriate activities and bottle preparation. Some light housekeeping during naps may be required/requested such as infant laundry, changing bedding and/or vacuuming. Ideal candidate is CPR certified, has infant experience or other age childcare experience and willing to learn infant care. This position would be ideal for a student with a semi flexible schedule looking for part time hours. A typical schedule might be T-Th 9am-3pm, but we can be flexible. Must be comfortable with large dogs.
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months
Light Housekeeping
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation
Meal Preparation