Hello! We have a 20-month-old toddler are due with baby #2 in early December. We will not have local family from Nov 5th to 27th, so are in search of a few babysitter options who might be available Nov 5-27th (daytime or overnight hours) who we could potentially call in case I go into labor early. You would not need to be available the whole time of course! But if you happen to have a few evenings, nights, or certain days free during that time, we would love to speak with you further! We would pay you to come over for one visit to meet our son & see our home so that you are both familiar in case we need you over that time. We will also be in search of an occasional sitter + nanny for both kids starting in March in case you have interest in that (occasional weeknight or a few workdays per month). FYI: one calm, well trained dog in household
1 Child aged 1 - 3 years
Comfortable With Pets