Title : Part-Time Nanny/House Manager , 10HRS/Week We are looking for someone to help us watch our boys in the evenings when work hours can be unpredictable. The scope also includes cooking dinners for three adults (includes you!) and two toddlers. Each weekday shift will be about an hour for cooking/household tasks until our boys arrive home from daycare followed by 1. 5-2hrs of helping us manage the evening routine with our boys. We will be around during these hours most nights to help and will expect to wrap up the nighttime routines when you head home. There is a possibility some nights we may have you pick up the kids, and I will take care of dinner. Looking for someone that loves kids and loves to cook (and is creative enough to come up with ideas for meals that work for adults and kids). References will be requested. Thank you!
2 Children aged 1 - 3 years
Light Housekeeping
Drop Pickup Children
Meal Preparation