2yo wakes up late in the morning around 10-11 a.m. so you might not even interact with him. If he is up, he normally asks to eat. Very limited vocabulary but he will be seeing a speech therapist soon. Baby is early worm and loves to play. He is an early talker and will ask for food straight after waking up. The boys arent picky with food. Milk preferred for baby unless he rejects it then just watered down juice. Thats their typical morning. Then baby will nap around 9-10ish depending how active he is. Right now Im just browsing for options because my partner is looking for a schedule change. I work at an airline so I go in before dawn and have mondays Tuesdays off. Hopefully I would only need care from 3days a week around 3-4. 5 hrs a day.
2 Children aged 1 - 3 years