About the Role: Live-in position with your own private room and free rent. Flexible hours to allow you to work another job Monday to Friday (8 a.m. -5 PM) during my child's daycare hours. You'll have two days off each week. Help with daily childcare tasks, including bedtime routines, meal prep, laundry, and general household chores. We aim for a team-oriented environment working together to make life easier. If I need extra help on weekends, I will pay $8/hour in addition to the room and board. Travel: We travel several times a year most trips will not require your attendance, but some may. Well cover your transportation and accommodations for those trips. The Ideal Candidate: Someone who enjoys working as part of a family and has a passion for children. Comfortable with a live-in arrangement and the $8. 00 pay rate.
1 Child aged 1 - 3 years
Light Housekeeping
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation