We're welcoming our first baby in a few short weeks and are looking for a caring, reliable and professional part time nanny who has experience with infants. I WFH everyday, in a part of the home where it is separate from the main areas of the home. Light housekeeping will consist of washing bottles and baby's laundry. Part-time hours, M-F, right now anticipating 5 hrs a day guaranteed. Flexible on schedule as my schedule currently is 8 a.m. -5 p.m. We would like someone to start in March but would love to get someone earlier if possible. Please note, we do have 3 dogs. They are older dogs who are glued to me 24/7 but may want to be let in and out from time to time. Yard is fenced
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months
Light Housekeeping
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation