Responsibilities: Ensure health and safety Relationships with children Work collaboratively with colleagues Continually improve practice Care for the school Communicate Demonstrate good work habits, including reliability, flexibility, and communication Other duties as assigned Basic info about substitute teaching: The Children's Community School (CCS) is located in West Philadelphia. We serve children ages 15 months - 5 years old and school hours are 8:00am-6:00 p.m. Our sub rate $16-19/hour. Subs are contracted workers and checks are sent by mail within one week of the dates worked. Payment for the 1-hour orientation is included on the first check after completing a substitute teaching shift. Subs receive a bonus of $100 after completing their third sub shift! Shifts are typically 8:00am-2:30 p.m. (with paid lunch break) or 2:00-6:15 p.m. Sometimes start or end times are flexible, or other shifts are needed. Morning shifts are usually with a team of 1-3 other teachers in a single age group. Afternoon shifts are usually with 1-2 other teachers in mixed age groups. Sometimes we are also looking for shifts helping with other things around the school, like making snack. Sometimes we schedule subs days or weeks in advance. Sometimes we are looking for folks the night before or the morning of! If you're a last-minute kind of person or a schedule-ahead kind of person, we'd love to have you either way! We generally reach out by text message to schedule shifts.