My sons name is J, he is nearly 5 months old. He takes a few naps a day if he skips them he becomes cranky usually around 10 a.m. 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. he usually only sleeps for like an hour ish though. Hes teething pretty good at the moment so he enjoys his chewable toys. J also likes his walker/playset when he is feeling rather rambunctious, typically when hes hyper active or kicking his feet a lot, he only enjoys it for short periods of time though. He occasionally also watches dancing fruit and vegetables to calm him although I do try to limit tv time, I believe too much to be unhealthy. Tummy time a few times a day for about 15 minutes at a time or for as long as he will allow before getting fussy. We do some stretches every day also to help him learn to roll, he still has not quite mastered rolling over but hes getting there!
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months