Looking for in-home part-time help during the week for our 4 month and 20-month-old daughters (sometimes only one) while I work from home. Hours and days posted can be flexible, but ideally we would like to set a schedule so we can accommodate help from family to fill the gaps. Both of our girls are sweet and gentle and just love having someone to play with them. Our ideal nanny/babysitter would be creative in how they play, patient, resilient, and reliable for my husband and I as we both have demanding jobs. We want any one spending time with our family in our home to feel like they fit right in and are comfortable, so we encourage applicants that are looking for a family-feel to their work life. We prefer full or part-time experience with multiple children. And must be comfortable with cats, as ours thinks he is one of the kids.
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months, 1 Child aged 1 - 3 years