Hello, Our little guys' name is K , and he is 4yr old. Due to changes in family dynamics he was having a hard time in daycare, so seeking one on one care in the interim. He is an amazing young man who loves reading/ being read to. He also loves arts and crafts. He loves cars/ monster trucks, and he loves music. One of his favorite songs is "I can transform ya" by C B , likely because it combines his two loves, cool vehicles and music. He is very outgoing but can be shy in the beginning of knowing him. Ideal day routine: come in morning where he should be up and had/ eating breakfast. 830-930: language arts (reading/ letter recognition, writing) 930-1030: free play 1030-11: snack 11-12p: math 12-1p: lunch 1-130: science 130-2p: music and clean up 930-1030: free play/
1 Child aged 4 - 5 years
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