We're looking for a regular part time nanny to watch our 9-month-old (born early feb 2024) while I work from home. He will need feeding, play time, changing, and nap time, 2 days per week for 4-5 hours per day. We don't have any pets, are non-smokers, and don't need any extra housekeeping or chores done. We are flexible on the days and times so please don't hesitate to reach out if an alternate day works better for you. A little bit about us! My name is Phoebe, I'm 31 years old and a first time mum, originally from Australia. My husband John and I met in Melbourne Aus while we were doing our PhDs. We've been together for 8 years and married for 1 year. We've been in Santa Fe for 3 years. I work from home for the University as a researcher.
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months
Has Own Transportation