Hello there ! We are looking for a part time sitter for our beautiful 5-year-old son . He is the best! He has a wonderful sense of humor and loves music, trains, dinosaurs, dancing, and games . He is very easy to watch and such a payed back kinda kid . We are looking for someone to relax with him after school from 3:15-6 p.m. untill dad gets home from work . He has light snack and juice after school. We would like possible date night sitting too maybe once a month on Sundays if possible. We also have a beautiful loving and playful 2 yr old chocolate lab . So we like to tell people that for allergy reasons . She also will become your best friend ha ha . Well we look forward to hearing from you And hope to meet soon to see if this job is a good fit !
1 Child aged 4 - 5 years
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation