L is our oldest, shes 3 years and is very active. Loves to dance and sing. She is very social and loves being around people. F is our serious child but also extremely loving and tender hearted. Both girls thrive off schedule. I work 2 days a week and home with them the other 3 days. Our days typically consist of playtime in the playroom, walks, park dates or some sort of craft or coloring. We do screen time but are very conservative about it. The little one naps after lunch naps typically are 12:30-3/3:30. The oldest will sometimes nap, and will sleep 12:30-1/2 depending on how tired she is. My husband will be home early on Mondays so really its more of a half day. And Wednesdays you would be all day.
2 Children aged 1 - 3 years
Light Housekeeping