Looking for part time nanny help for 2 busy boys, age 15 months and 4. 5 years. The boys are sweet but they are also very energetic and they love being outside and anything with wheels. We're looking for someone who can engage them and keep them busy without relying on a lot screen time. The toddler is smart but because of this he gets bored easy and he needs someone who can keep him busy. I work part time so my main needs would be on Mondays and Thursdays 7:30-5:30, but I would also be open to either starting with/or adding some half days throughout the week. The toddler currently goes to preschool part time so looking for a safe driver with reliable transportation willing to help transport him. Must be non smoker and not allergic to dogs. We are a Christian family so loving Jesus would be a big plus! Hope to hear from you soon!
1 Child aged 1 - 3 years, 1 Child aged 4 - 5 years
Light Housekeeping
Drop Pickup Children
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation
Meal Preparation