Looking for part-time in-home care for our 3 wonderful children, including 2 girls (3 and 2 years old, both potty trained and taking mid-day naps) and one newborn (3-month-old) boy. The girls are very active and love to play and venture around the house and outside. Our boy is still working on getting into a regular schedule but is generally pretty happy and easy to please. We would strongly prefer someone with newborn experience, especially while juggling other children's needs since it can be challenging at times. My wife works from home full time so she's always within an earshot when needed. Let me know if you have any questions! Otherwise, we look forward to welcoming someone into our home to help. **please note, we're only looking for one day per week (M or W) and we would prefer for it to be consistently one particular day**
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months, 2 Children aged 1 - 3 years
Has Own Transportation