I work part time from home and am looking for someone 2 days a week to come watch/play with my 3-year-old from 8-12. He is pretty low key and self entertaining but can be high spirited and vocal about his differing opinions. It would be great if there were other kids for him to play with but is not a requirement. He has 2 older brothers, (5 & 7) that he plays with but has never really engaged with other kids his age. In the future I may need availability one or two more days as well as the ability to watch all 3 of my kids when school is out on break. I have flexibility with the hours and days as well as my schedule is not set in stone.
1 Child aged 1 - 3 years, 1 Child aged 4 - 5 years, 1 Child aged 6 - 11 years
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation