starting asap in Littleton. Either 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. or 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. daily. 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. would be ideal but if the nanny wants more hours 7:30-2 p.m. would work too. we have a 10-month-old son (8 months adjusted) and a golden doodle named Guinness. We also have a 3 yo daughter who is in full time daycare. we are open to full day help if it s a nanny share at someone else's home but if it is 1:1 care we would need part time hours. we are also open to an au pair - we have an empty finished basement with a room/bathroom. but start time is asap - my MIL was helping us and her parents just turned an unfortunate corner and she can no longer help us with childcare during the week. We are looking for care asap up until our son can walk, drink from an open cup and is on 1 nap. Which would likely be around end of summer $15/hr per family for a share or $25/hr if 1:1